KSSN is making headlines!

Kent ISD — A national nonprofit recently appointed Kent School Services Network Executive Director Keenan King to its board of directors...

All districts — In Kentwood Public Schools, as in many other Kent County districts, students from immigrant families make up a substantial portion of their enrollment...
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — Dozens of students at Alger Middle School in Grand Rapids received a free laptop on Thursday as part of an effort to bridge the digital divide...

According to the Michigan Association of United Ways' 2024 ALICE Report, 1.6 million of Michigan's 4 million households struggle to pay for basic needs like housing, child care, food, transportation, and health care, despite being employed...

Multiple districts — From hosting events that bring people together to helping families find housing and transportation, Kent School Services Network supports students in Godfrey-Lee Public Schools, said Jackee Thompson...